Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Recipes for `git` branches

Recipes for working with branches in `git`

If you've ever used `git`, and had to create and manage branches, you may have been impressed by how flexible and accomodating it is, but discouraged by how hard it can be to remember all the incantations. That's why I've created a list of recipes for basic branching and merging operations. Enjoy!

These recipes were distilled by me based on information found in an awesome book by Scott Chacon.

# create a branch
git branch [new-branch] [base-branch]

# switch to an existing branch
git checkout [branch]

# push branch to remote
git push [remote] [branch]

# pull changes from remote
#   pulls down remote branches,
#   but doesn't set up tracking branches
git fetch [remote]

# create and switch to a new branch
git checkout -b [branch]

# create a new branch from a specific commit (starting point)
git branch [branch] [sha-1 hash]

# create new local branch from remote branch
git checkout -b [localbranch] [remote]/[remotebranch]
# or
git checkout --track [remote]/[branch]
#   see
#   for more information about tracking branches

# merge branch into master
#   have to first switch to master
git checkout master
git merge [branch]

# check that the merge worked
#   shows an "unmerged" section if any files failed
git status

# delete a branch (after merging it)
git branch -d newbranch

# see last commit on each branch
git branch -v

# see merged branches (to current branch)
git branch --merged

# see unmerged branches (to current branch)
git branch --no-merged

# delete remote branch
#   the syntax is widely acknowledged to be obtuse
git push origin :newbranch


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Might be good to elaborate on what "git checkout --track [remote]/[branch]" actually does - as its a powerful command.

    2. Good call -- I've needed that a couple times recently! I started trying to explain it ... but then decided to just add a link to the Pro Git book.

  2. Here's my git recipe of the day :

    ######### start by creating a new branch ########

    - git checkout -b some_refactoring

    ######### write some code. ##################

    - git add -A .

    - git commit

    - git push origin some_refactoring

    ######### Now, merge it into master ###########

    - git checkout master

    - git merge feature1
