Friday, May 25, 2012

Useful git commands: part 2

In this second part of the article, we'll see more of the git commands that I find most useful, covering remotes, tags, and rebasing:


# see remotes
git remote -v

# make a new remote
git remote add [name] [location]

# get data from a remote -- everything that you don't yet have locally
git fetch [remote]

# show info about a remote
git remote show [remote]

# rename a remote (i.e. change the local alias -- doesn't change anything on the actual remote server)
#   also renames remote branch names
git remote rename [old] [new]
# remove a remote
git remote rm [remote]


# see all tags
git tag

# see tags matching a pattern
#   this doesn't seem to work
git tag -l [pattern]

# make a lightweight tag
git tag [tagname]

# make an annotated tag
#   what does '-a' do?
git tag -a [tagname] -m 'commit message'
# show a single tag
git show [tagname]

# make a signed tag
git tag -s [tagname] -m 'commit message'

# verify a signed tag
#   need signer's public key ... somewhere?  in keyring?
git tag -v [tagname]
# make a tag of a previous commit
git tag -a [tagname] [commit's sha-1 checksum]

# push one tag to a remote
git push [remote] [tagname]

# push all tags to a remote
git push [remote] --tags


# rebase the current branch onto another branch
git rebase [base-branch]

# rebase a branch onto another branch
git rebase [base-branch] [rebasee-branch]

# typical rebasing workflow:
#   switch to rebasee
git checkout [rebasee-branch]
#   put rebasee on base
git rebase [base-branch]
#   switch to base
git checkout [base-branch]
#   fast-forward merge rebasee into base 
git merge [rebasee-branch]

# more complicated rebase ... don't understand it
git rebase --onto [base-branch] [upstream-branch] [rebasee-branch]

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Useful git commands: part 1

Here are some of the git commands that I find most useful, covering configuration, staging, and history:


# change settings for all users
#   affects file in /etc/gitconfig
git config --system [??].[attribute] [value]

# change settings for one user
#   affects file in $HOME/.gitconfig
git config --global [??].[attribute] [value]

# change settings for one project
#   affects file in [projectroot]/.git/config
git config [??].[attribute] [value]

# change editor
git config core.editor emacs

# check all settings
git config --list

# check specific setting
git config [??].[attribute]

Staging area

# remove file from staging area
git rm --cached [file]

# see diff of files in staging area
git diff --staged

# see tracked files
git ls-files

# see information about tree-ish objects
#   what is a tree-ish object?  the man page doesn't explain it
git ls-tree [sha-1] [path]


# see a "pretty" commit history
#   setting: (oneline|short|full|fuller|format:"format string").  note that the --pretty option can interfere with other log options
git log --pretty=[setting]

# see only a limited number of commits
#   accepts any (?) positive integer
git log -[n]

# show diffs with each commit
git log -p
# see history of a specific file
#   is this any different from just 'git log [file]'?
git log --follow [file]

# see a branch graph
git log --graph

# display file statistics with each commit:  number of additions, deletions, etc. 
#   see also --shortstat ??
git log --stat

# more log options
git log (--name-only|--name-status|--abbrev-commit|--relative-date|--since|--until|--grep)

# make *all* criteria match
#   instead of *any* predicate causing a match, *all* predicates must be true to match
git log --all-match [... conditions ...]

# show only/don't show merge commits
git log --merges
git log --no-merges


# amend previous commit.  uses staging area for commit
#   what happens with sha-1 business?  does this command take more arguments (i.e. for commit message)?
git commit --amend
# make a command alias
#   ... not sure if those are supposed to be quotation marks or backticks or what ...
git config --global alias.[thealias] ['the original command']